Friday, March 11, 2011

Modelling change

So I've been been thinking about math and mathematical models quite a bit lately, partly because they've been showing up in many places this semester.

When I was 8, this was my idea of a model...except that back then I don't think the textbooks were in colour. We drew little bar models all the time. Everyone's models were always straighter and neater than mine, and some kids would bring their colour pencils and colour them in for no good reason at all. Drawing models was the way to solve every math problem and it was awesome until your older neighbour/friend/cousin taught you algebra. Then they became the most ridiculous, tedious things in existence because your teacher wouldn't let you stop using them.

Apparently now they're all the rage among homeschooling parents in the US (and possibly in Utah too?). I guess my messy little primary school self didn't appreciate them enough because I hated having to draw so many straight lines.

Now (10+ years later) models look like this, and there are lots of them everywhere :)
I realised I have actually not had a math class in something like 3.5 years, even though I've used it extensively in some of my classes. I might take an applied math class or two before I graduate...

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